NCC-NPCC Paintball

Hi all,

On 24/4/19, the RINPCC's Y4s participated in a combined Inter-UG Paintball game with RINCC. There were 4 teams, each consisting of a mix between NP and NCC Y4s. A total of 2 rounds were played, the first being a control point mode, and the second a king-of-the-hill mode.

The control point mode was played twice, rotating between the 4 teams. Both times, the red team came out victorious. In my own match, the game started off well, as we carefully applied pressure to subdue our opponents. Our opponents never had the opportunity to regroup and charge the middle, instead opting for intense cover fire in hopes of subduing us as well. Eventually, we were able to make a breakthrough, successfully raising the flag in the middle of the arena, and defending it for the remaining time.

The king-of-the-hill mode was played only once, with both red and both blues teams combining to form a larger red/blue team. The combined red team was victorious yet again, as heavy cover fire rained in from both sides. Our own TO, Mr Bryan Tan, was the flag carrier who eventually managed to plant and raise the red team's flag, leading them to victory. Although defeated, the blue team showed unwavering sportsmanship, shaking hands and congratulating their opponents.

Although it started raining halfway through our games, our spirit was not to be dampened. After a short break, play resumed as per usual, thankfully! We hope that this experience has been an enjoyable one, and that we can do this again next year!

Special thanks to RINCC for playing with us, Hyperforce Paintball for hosting us, and last but not least, the TOs for organising this event! Attached are some photos from the event:

SI (NPCC) Chee Hann Yu
