Y1 Swearing in Ceremony + A4 NPCC Day Parade

Hi NP!

The Y1 Swearing in Ceremony was held yesterday, 8th April Saturday, at Whitley Secondary School in order to mark the official inauguration of the Y1s into NPCC. Here are some pictures from the event:

Immediately after the Swearing in Ceremony, the Y1s and their parents also got the opportunity to spectate the Area 4 NPCC Day Parade put up by the outgoing Year 4 batch as well as Cadet Inspectors in Area 4. Here are some photos from the event:

To all Y1s:
We hope you enjoyed your first official Area Event, and do look forward to many more to come in the upcoming years :)

For more photos of both the Y1 Swearing in Ceremony as well as the Area 4 NPCC Day Parade, click here.

Thank you.

SSGT (NPCC) Davin Teo
ACCAL (Projects)
