Unit Camp 2018

Hello everyone,

During the March holidays, from 14-16th March 2018, RINPCC held its annual unit camp.
The camp was planned by the Year 3s, led by their camp commandants, Chee Hann Yu,
Nigel Ng and Teh Zu Ming. This was the first major event organised by the Year 3s, who are
set to take over the CCA as cadet leaders in the months to come. The Year 3s were also
aided by oversight from the teacher officers as well as the Year 4s, 5s and 6s throughout the
duration of the camp.

Throughout the 3 day 2 night camp, certain camp objectives were instilled into the cadets,
namely: Respect, Responsibility, Discipline, Teamwork and Unit Bonding. During the camp,
cadets were able to participate in exciting activities such as City Venture and field cooking!
The camp was indeed a wonderful and enjoyable learning experience for the Y1s and 2s. It
also simultaneously served as a golden opportunity for the Y3s to polish up their leadership
skills before taking over the unit.

For the Year 1s, this Unit Camp was their first NPCC camp experience, giving them
opportunities to bond with their squadmates and unit-mates. For the Year 2s, the Unit Camp
served as a revision of the life skills they had previously learnt, as well as a chance for them
to familiarise themselves with the newest additions to our RINPCC family. The camp allowed
both Year 1s and 2s to grow together through thick and thin. The Year 1s especially, were
given a taste of the standards an NPCC cadet is expected to uphold.

The current seniors of RINPCC have seen and observed their juniors’ progress and
continued drive for improvement, and would like to wish them all the best in their NPCC
journey. They hope that they will strive to improve themselves continuously during their
years not only in NPCC, but in RI.

Here are the photos from unit camp compiled by the Y4s & instructors.

~Y3 Squad


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