Official Y1 Welcoming Session

Hi all!

On 21.2.2018, we officially welcomed our Y1s into the CCA, with an introductory session to NPCC. The NCOs and Instructors conducted a series of fun and engaging icebreakers for the Y1s to get to know not only one another, but also their Y4-Y6 seniors whom they will be interacting with on a weekly basis throughout the course of the next few months.

To all Y2s-Y4s: Do guide your Y1 juniors through their NPCC Journey, as you will all play a crucial role in their journey, be it as cadet leaders or as seniors.

And to all Year 1s: Enjoy your experience here in NPCC, and don't forget the 2 important values of discipline and respect. Remember that how much you put into the CCA will determine how much you get out of it :)

Attached below are the photos from the Welcoming Session:

SSGT (NPCC) Davin Teo
ACCAL (Projects)
