Area 4 Campcraft Competition'18

Hi all,

Of the many events that HQ organises for NPCC members, one of the most anticipated and exciting one is arguably the Campcraft Competition. In view of this, both the teams from RINPCC put their heart and soul into preparing for it. The teams comprising of cadets from year 2, 3 and 4 went the extra mile to sacrifice their holidays to come to school for competition trainings. Additionally, they dedicated a significant portion of their time during regular CCA trainings to hone their campcraft skills. With valuable insight and expert training from our Y5-6 seniors, the teams were well coached, ready to take on the challenge.

Following this, the teams took part in the Area 4 Campcraft Competition which was to serve as a mock up for the actual nation-wide competition. With the clock ticking, the teams spilt sweat and blood, putting the skills they had acquired to practice. However, despite their best efforts, Catholic High clinched the first prize for the boys' team category. While being slightly disappointed by the turnover of the competition, the teams remain hopeful and are willing to learn from their mistakes and work to clinch the top prize in the actual competition. Shall we remain hopeful and continue supporting the RINPCC Campcraft Competition teams, wishing them the best in their endeavours!

SSGT (NPCC) Siddarth V.
Head of Media and Communications
