Inter UG TnF

Hi NP,

Last Friday, RINPCC sent in 2 teams of 4 runners to participate in the B and C division of the Inter UG 4x100 Track and Field Event held at the RJC Stadium. Our runners gave it their all, but eventually came in 6th and 4th position for the B and C division respectively. Although the end result wasn't what we aimed for, we still hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience, be it running alongside your squadmates or cheering your hearts out for those running. You can access footage of the event at this link:

Reminder to all Y2s that your .22 practice shoot will be conducted tomorrow. Fall in at the Raffles Square at 2pm sharp. All the best!

Reminder to all Y3s that your CSI course will be conducted this Wednesday. Fall in at the Raffles Square at 1pm sharp.

Thank you!

SGT (NPCC) Davin Teo
ACCAL (Projects)
