Unit Trip 2016

Hi all!

From 21 November to 23 November, some of the Y3 and Y4 cadets went to Bintan for the annual Unit Trip. With activities ranging from coconut tree climbing to kayaking to flying fox, as well as the meaningful CIP, we undoubtedly had fun while learning a lot. The Community Involvement Project had us doing back-breaking work but at the end of the day, we were gratified to have helped the underprivileged villagers in Bintan. This was an eye-opening experience and worth going through again if given the chance to. Special thanks to Mr Kang and Mr Lean for planning this trip and looking after these cadets during the trip, as well as Conti and the staff at Loola Adventure Resort for being such good hosts!

Attached are some photos from the trip:

SSGT (NPCC) Lim Ke Zhi
