Muster Parade on Wednesday, 24/8/16 and other administrative matters

All Year 1s, 2s and 3s are to prepare your full RINPCC uniforms and wear them tomorrow for training. For those of you with missing uniform parts, they will be passed to you at the start of training tomorrow and you will be given time to change before muster parade.

Those who did not attend last Wednesday's training session are to hand in your excuse forms/ MCs/ parent letters latest by tomorrow 24/8/16.

Year 2s please hand in your consent forms for the Bishan NPC visit at the start of training tomorrow. No extensions will be given. Parent's email is also accepted.

For any queries please contact one of the Y3 Exco or NCOs. Do remind the rest of your squad about the above and have a nice day! :)

RINPCC Exco 2016
