History of RINPCC

Founded by INSP Henry Kwok in January 1966
  • Trainings every Saturday (3-6pm), 30 Y2-3s enrolled
  • Trainings consisted of drills and classwork (standing orders, general police duties, first aid and law)
(1967) Requirement for enrolled cadets to have good eyesight without glasses.
(1970) Unit won a challenge shield donated by Director of Education, Mr Kwan Sai Kheong for being the best unit at drills for the first time in RINPCC history.

(1972) Principal of RI, Mr Philip Liau donated challenge shield for Best NCO of the Year
  • Won by SSGT Woo Chue Wah, who was also the first commissioned Cadet Inspector of RINPCC.
(1973) Unit awarded AEG Blades Challenge Trophy for being the best unit overall.
(1973) Unit won Ong Kim Boon Challenge Trophy, and was crowned national champions of the Inter-Unit Quiz Competition.

(1973) Formed full Guard-of-Honour at RI's 150th Founder's Day.

(1977, 1979) Won Ong Kim Boon Trophy for being champions at the Inter-Unit Quiz Competition. (1977, 1979) Won Kwan Sai Keong Trophy for being the best drill squad of the year.
(1980) CI Chan Eng Ann from RINPCC was selected to represent Singapore at the Republic Day Celebrations in India, one of only 2 NPCC Cadet Inspectors sent.
  • Returned with a shield from India's Deputy Prime Minister Jagjivan Ram
(1982) Training time changes from Saturday mornings to Wednesday afternoons. Proficiency badges introduced.
(1985) Unit won Inter-Unit Quiz Competition for the 7th time.

(1985) Unit participated in the 1st Annual NPCC Day Parade at the Police Academy.
Fun Facts:
  • Won Inter-Unit Campcraft Competition (CCC) in 1994
  • Ranked one of top 10 units nationally in 1999
  • Ranked one of top 2 units nationally in 2000
  • Won Inter-Unit 0.22 Revolver Shooting Competition in 2003
  • Gold Unit Overall Proficiency Award, Outstanding Achievement Award (5 Years Gold Award) in 2004 and 2013; drill canes awarded.
