
Training is conducted every Monday and Wednesday, from 1545-1845.  For Year 1s and 2s, training will be focused more on introducing and practising drills. The occasional outdoor skills sessions will also allow cadets to understand the importance of tying knots and lashings, which will be used in shelter building.
For Year 3s and 4s, they will be stepping up to take over the CCA in planning and conducting training sessions.


Drills are a core part of RI NPCC. It is further classified into static drills, marching drills, baton drills and rifle drills. These drills are not only essential for any uniformed group, but also allow cadets to develop self-discipline and precision.
Cadets will learn these drills for parades, such as the muster parade held once a term, and also for competitions such as the inter-unit drills competition held biannually by NPCC HQ.

Outdoor Skills

Outdoor skills are part of the syllabus for cadets, and their main purpose is for cadets to learn more about tying knots and lashings, so as to aid them in shelter building.


Unit camps organised and planned by the Y3s are also held during the yearly March Holidays, where cadets will get to know and bond with one another.
The Adventure Training Camp (ATC) and Survival Training Camp (STC) are also 2 camps held for Year 2s and Year 3s respectively sometime in September at Pulau Ubin, where cadets get to bond with cadets from other units. Highlights of these camps are the high elements course and the 8 storey flying fox.


Other than drills and outdoor skills, recreational activities are also held at the end of every training, allowing cadets to take a break from practising drills and campcraft, and play games such as Soccer and Frisbee instead. Special Training Programmes will also be held once every term, where cadets will get to spend a whole day’s worth of training carrying out fun activities planned by their seniors beforehand.
